When Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him most about humanity,he answered, "Man because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he's so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. The result being that he does not live in the present or the future, he lives as if he is never going to die,and then dies,having never really lived."
I want to start living!
Recently I have found myself to feel a bit defeated by myself. I make plans, but then I never follow through with them and each time I fail to do so, it depresses me. As a result, I doubt my abilities and lose my confidence. Ever feel this way? It is more comfortable to withdraw from the world and people than sit amongst them only to feel I don't belong. Quite depressing to put so much pressure on oneself ... Quite depressing to feel defeated. Am I the only one?
I have spent some time looking at my attitude and the decisions I have made. I realize I'm on a mission of being "self destructive". The truth is I am the boss of the choices I make and the attitude I choose! And so I have decided to change my ways. I've discovered that this path is difficult but it is also achievable. I have traded in my negative words with positive ones instead. For example "I will try to start yoga" will be rephrased to be said as "I am ready for a new change and I will start yoga". Believing it is possible is the first step!
The thing about faith is ... people can believe in me and have all the faith in me but it is meaningless if I don't believe or have faith in myself.
I have also realized that I limit my own abilities without giving it an honest try and I play games internally. I will blame myself, others or situations for my condition or state of mind. I feel sorry for myself. Instead I have started to appreciate my strengths and the effort I have started to put towards my personal well being. For each day I do as I plan ... I celebrate it. Encouragement from self is more beneficial ... encouragement from loved ones is a bonus.
If you feel the same way and you have decided you want the change ... you are not alone ... you have someone who would be happy to share this journey with you :))
It's nvr2late to make a change. It's nvr2late to start something. It's nvr2late for new beginnings.
Good Luck :))
Nice self-analysis. A good step towards winning your own mind, as you rightfully said we are our own enemies.You are on the right track as thinking positive is a good mental practice that requires that you have a certain mental attitude. Once you accomplished in the path of positive thinking mindset you automatically have more confidence of your abilities. you should try to recite positive affirmations to yourself...like I wwill be starting Yoga on so and so date..and I can do it..No excuses ..I am confident I can do it...etc etc. Positive energy will be oozing out of your persona and it is addictive ..as others will also get a lot of positive vibrations from you..Keep it up!!